Runtime Level Design u3d

2022-11-14 0 127

Runtime Level Design u3d


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Supported render pipelines:
-URP – ⚠ Note: ⚠ the scene gizmo is not available when using URP;

What is RLD?
RLD is a suite of well crafted level design tools that will enable you to build runtime level editors, modding tools, or any type of application/game that contains level design elements.

Note: This plugin serves as a kickstarter project and API for developers who want to build their own in-game level editors. It can not be used to build levels inside the Unity Editor. If you are looking for a level design plugin that works inside the Unity Editor, you can take a look at Octave3D-Level Design.

RLD works great with Runtime Spawner.

🎥 Presentation (Dungeon, Nature & Spherical World)

Learn to build a dungeon environment:
🎥 Let’s Build a Dungeon!

Feature/UI tutorials:
🎥 Plugin Initialization
🎥 Scene & Asset Preparation
🎥 Prefab Libs & Runtime Prefab Picker
🎥 Object-to-Object Snap
🎥 Object Extrude Gizmo (Super Handy!)
🎥 Surface Snapping (Intro)
🎥 Surface Snapping (Spherical Surfaces)
🎥 Surface Snapping (Per Layer Settings)

More videos can be found here.

Try the Demos:
🎮 Dungeon
🎮 Nature
🎮 Spherical World

Note: RLD does not contain a save/load API. You might want to use a pack such as Easy Save – The Complete Save & Load Asset to implement saving and loading of scenes.

The models shown in videos in images are not included with the pack. They belong to:

Mana Station:
• Multistory Dungeons

• Mountain Trees – Dynamic Nature
• Advanced Foliage Pack 2
• Advanced Rock Pack 2

Key Features:
• Unity Style Camera;
• Object Selection;
• Object Selection Restrictions;
• Extrude Gizmo;
• Object-to-Object Snapping;
• Surface Snapping
(snap & rotate/scale/offset with mouse);
• Selection Grid Snap;
• Selection Rotation (X/Y/Z)
(Via Keyboard with configurable steps);
• Duplicate Selected;
• Duplicate Layer Mask;
• Runtime Prefab Picker;
• Move Gizmo;
• Rotation Gizmo;
• Scale Gizmo;
• Box Scale Gizmo;
• Universal Gizmo (move/rotate/scale);
• Snapping for Gizmos;
• Vertex Snapping (Move Gizmo & Universal Gizmo);
• Gizmo Transform Pivots;
• Gizmo Transform Spaces;
• Gizmo Transformable Layers;
• Scene Gizmo;
• Gizmo Look & Feel Customization;
• Scene Grid;
• Hotkey Customization;
• Scene Icons (Lights and Particle Systems);
• Undo/Redo;
• Object Groups;
• Object Selection Events (API);
• Gizmo Events (API);
• Gizmo Hover Info (API);
• Gizmo Drag Info (API);
• Multiple Viewport Support (API);

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